About Me

Me at Grenwich art show headshot

My Mission:

After years in publishing, I’ve learned that the majority of readers want that WOW factor with the least amount of work. I get it– I’ve always been the same way. I promise you that I won’t put anything on this blog that is too hard or too time consuming . Whether it’s a recipe, craft or DIY project, I’ll keep it simple and spell out all the steps in ways that make it easy to follow. I also look forward to sharing my picks, pans and opinions. In the process, I hope we can have some fun.

I’m the author of ten books on cooking and crafts as well as a newspaper columnist and magazine contributor. My subject matter is diverse ranging from The Disney Party Handbook and Creative Children’s Parties to The Gourmet’s Guide to Cooking with Wine (now translated into five languages) and The Gourmet’s Guide to Cooking with Beer (in English and French). My columns have appeared in Connecticut Post, Albany Times Union and The Fairfield County Weekly.

Disney cover

book covers

As a food  consultant, I’ve assisted some major companies  in developing new products, promoting existing ones and evaluating the competition.

Battlechips taste test

I often lend my professional opinion to the media. Here I am doing a blind taste test for Hearst Media’s ChefTested feature.




I enjoy wearing many hats and right now I’m also a caregiver and an advocate for cause of Alzheimer’s research and caregiver support. Please check out my website: www.artinalzheimer’s.com


charla-memory aiabanner




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